Peakflo helped us save 66 man-hours per month by automating invoice reminders!

"After using Peakflo, we have more time to focus on value-added tasks. We have saved more than 66 man-hours per month by automating payment reminders and additionally, we are tracking the invoice due dates in real-time instead of using Excel."

Kyaw Soe Oo
Accountant at We! Interactive

See How Much We! Interactive has Saved with Peakflo


man-hours saved per month with Peakflo's reminder automation

Based in: Singapore 

Peakflo customer since: December 2022

Invoices per month: 200


WE! Contains a group of experts who specialize in crafting digital and social marketing solutions to empower businesses to leave their competition behind.

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Key Takeaways 🔑

🚩 Problems:

  • Sending invoices to customers and adding invoice details one by one
  • Tracking invoice due dates in real-time


  • Peakflo automated reminders and ready-made reminder templates
  • Peakflo customer status tracking report

Problem: Manually sending email reminders 

Like most of the Xero accounting software users, the reminders were sent out one at a time and only through email. It was extremely time-consuming for the We! Interactive team to write all the invoice details one by one, send each of the invoices to their customers and also track follow-ups.

Solution: Peakflo’s automated reminder workflows

With Peakflo’s automated workflows, now We! Interactive accounting team is automatically sending all the invoice reminders through email to their customers. By using placeholders and ready-made invoice templates, a lot of time is saved and We! Interactive accounting team does not need to manually add the invoice details one by one.

Problem: Using Excel to track invoice due dates and payments

Before Peakflo, We! Interactive accounting team used excel sheets to track the due date of invoices and their payments. It took a long time to update and monitor the sheet and the information was not real-time.

Solution: Customer Status Tracking Report

With Peakflo’s customer status tracking report, all the invoice issue dates and due dates are accessible in real-time which makes it easy for the We! Interactive’s accounting team to keep track of customer payment status and payments. 

“Now we can send payment reminders automatically and also track the invoice due dates in real-time. ”

Kyaw Soe OO
Accountant at We! Interactive