Problem: Manual approval process and lack of visibility over the communications and the audit trail
Before Peakflo, there were significant delays in the procurement process because HaiSia could only procure when all documents had been approved. Approval was done mostly on WhatsApp. The approval trail needed to be checked manually and it was often lost.
Solution: Peakflo approval workflow and full visibility over the audit trail
With Automated approval workflows, the purchase requests and bills are now getting approved in no time and the approval trail is fully recorded. The finance team now has full visibility over the approver, time of approval, and the details of what has been approved at any given time.

Problem: Scattered communications with the vendors and internal departments
Hai Sia’s finance team had a lot of back-and-forth communications with the vendors to confirm bill details or resolve issues with other departments since the communications were not centralized.
Solution: Centralized internal and external communications and roles-based access
With the implementation of Peakflo, all communications are now consolidated in one place, with standardized procedures in place both internally and with vendors. We are now able to communicate and respond to vendors through Peakflo. With roles-based access, we can give access to any stakeholder and customize their access level to keep them in the loop.

Problem: Manual payouts and tracking
In Hai Sia, since there are different policies involved when paying vendors, for every price and policy change, Hai Sia’s finance team needed to be able to inform the vendors quickly. The process was prolonged due to inefficient communications, manual payouts and tracking.
Solution: Peakflo automated disbursement
Now with Peakflo, based on the due date on the bill, the fully approved bills will be scheduled for payments. All the stakeholders will be notified about the status of the payouts and the transactions will be automatically recorded in Peakflo.