HomeAccount PayableInvoice Management: The Types + How to Master It

Invoice Management: The Types + How to Master It

Invoice management plays a crucial role in the smooth functioning of businesses across various industries.

Efficient invoice management ensures timely payments, accurate record-keeping, and effective financial control.

In this article, we will explore what invoice management is, why it is important, the biggest challenges associated with it, the process of invoice management, and the different types of invoice management systems – manual and automated.

We will also discuss the pros and cons of each approach to help you determine which one is better suited for your business.

What Is Invoice Management

Invoice management is the process of handling invoices, from their creation and submission to the final payment and archiving.

It involves activities such as verifying invoice accuracy, matching invoices with purchase orders or contracts, obtaining approvals, resolving discrepancies, and making payments.

Effective invoice management ensures that businesses have a clear overview of their financial obligations and can maintain strong relationships with their suppliers.

Why Is Invoice Management Important

Invoice management is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it helps businesses maintain accurate financial records, which are essential for tax compliance, financial reporting, and auditing purposes.

Properly managed invoices also enable businesses to track their cash flow, monitor operating expenses, and make informed decisions about budgeting control and resource allocation.

Additionally, efficient invoice management enhances relationships with suppliers. Timely payments and clear communication regarding invoice status foster goodwill and trust, leading to more favorable payment terms and conditions for future transactions.

On the other hand, poor invoice management can strain supplier relationships, potentially resulting in delayed deliveries or even discontinued services.

The Process of Invoice Management

To address these challenges, businesses can adopt different approaches to invoice management: manual and automated. Let’s explore both methods in detail.

Manual Invoice Management

In manual invoice management, the entire process is handled manually, involving physical paperwork, manual data entry, and manual routing for approvals. This traditional approach is still prevalent in many organizations, especially smaller ones with fewer invoices to manage.

Manual invoice management requires businesses to receive paper invoices physically or via email. The invoices are then manually reviewed for accuracy and matched with relevant purchase orders or contracts.

The data from the invoices are entered into the accounting system manually, and approvals are obtained through manual routing or physical signatures. Finally, payments are made manually through checks or bank transfers.

Automated Invoice Management

Automated invoice management, on the other hand, leverages technology and software to streamline the entire process. With automation, businesses can eliminate manual data entry, reduce errors, enhance efficiency, and gain real-time visibility into their invoice workflows.

In an automated system, invoices are received electronically through email or electronic data interchange (EDI). Optical character recognition (OCR) technology is used to extract data from invoices accurately and automatically.

How OCR works
OCR not only saves time but also reduces the risk of manual errors in data entry, which can lead to delays and incorrect purchases.

The data is then validated and matched with purchase orders or contracts using automated workflows. Automated approval workflows can be configured based on your organization’s approval matrixes. This will ensure that invoices are routed to the right approvers based on predefined rules and hierarchy, accelerating approval processes.

Accounts payable audit trail
No more tedious approval process! Set up custom approval workflows, assign multi-level approvers, and tag the right policy to the right budget

Once approved, the system generates electronic payments or initiates the necessary steps for payment processing.

Manual vs Automated Invoice Management: Which One Is Better?

The choice between manual and automated invoice management depends on various factors, including the size of the business, the volume of invoices, and the available resources. Let’s compare the two approaches to help you determine which one is better suited for your business.

Manual invoice management has some advantages. It can be suitable for smaller businesses with a lower volume of invoices as it does not require a significant upfront investment in technology.

It allows for more hands-on control over the invoice process, enabling businesses to closely review each invoice manually. Additionally, manual processes can be customized to fit specific business requirements and workflows.

However, manual invoice management has its limitations. It is time-consuming and prone to errors, which can result in delayed payments, inaccurate record-keeping, and strained supplier relationships. It requires a dedicated workforce to handle the manual tasks, diverting resources from more strategic activities.

Furthermore, manual processes lack real-time visibility and reporting capabilities, making it challenging to track invoice status and identify process inefficiencies.

On the other hand, automated invoice management offers significant benefits. By eliminating manual data entry, businesses can save time and reduce errors.

Automated workflows ensure invoices are routed to the appropriate approvers, reducing approval cycle times and increasing efficiency. Real-time visibility into invoice status allows businesses to address issues promptly, optimize cash flow, and maintain better supplier relationships.

Automation also enables businesses to generate accurate finance reports, analyze spending patterns, and make informed decisions based on reliable data. Integration with accounting software streamlines the entire financial process, improving accuracy and providing a centralized view of financial data.

Have a bird’s eye view of your payable performance in one dashboard and make more informed decisions!

While automated invoice management offers numerous advantages, it requires an initial investment in technology and implementation. It also requires training employees to use the system effectively.

Therefore, for smaller businesses with limited resources and a lower volume of invoices, the cost and complexity of implementing an automated system may outweigh the benefits.

However, as businesses grow and the volume of invoices increases, manual processes become less feasible and more prone to errors. At this stage, transitioning to an automated invoice management system becomes a strategic move to improve efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.

Empower your finance teams with automation

The Biggest Invoice Management Challenges

Despite its significance, invoice management can pose several challenges for businesses. One of the most common issues is the manual handling of invoices, which is time-consuming, prone to errors, and inefficient.

Manually processing invoices requires significant human effort and can lead to delays in payments, late fees, and strained relationships with suppliers.

Another challenge is the complexity of invoice data. Invoices often contain large amounts of information, such as line items, tax details, shipping costs, and discounts. Manually extracting and validating this data can be a cumbersome task prone to errors, resulting in inaccurate financial records and delayed payments.

Furthermore, businesses may face challenges related to invoice approval workflows. In larger organizations, invoices may need to go through multiple layers of approval, causing delays and confusion. Coordinating the approval process manually can lead to bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Manage Invoices Like a Pro

Invoice management is a critical aspect of running a successful business. Efficient invoice management ensures timely payments, accurate record-keeping, and strong supplier relationships.

While manual invoice management has its place in smaller businesses with lower volumes of invoices, automated systems offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and real-time visibility.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, mastering invoice management is not just a good practice, but a competitive advantage. Embrace the right tools and systems, and unlock the benefits of efficient and accurate invoice management for your business.

With Peakflo, say goodbye to laborious tasks and hello to a powerful solution that enables you to effortlessly handle payment reminders, streamline reconciliations, and breeze through month-end closing. Our comprehensive software empowers you to create, manage, and process invoices swiftly, reducing processing time by an impressive 50%.

Get started today with AP automation

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