HomeAccount ReceivableThe Ultimate Guide to Payment Collection Software for B2B Companies

The Ultimate Guide to Payment Collection Software for B2B Companies

As a B2B business owner, collecting payments from customers is crucial for your business as it impacts your company’s cash flow and the sustainability of the business itself. However, managing payment collections can be a challenging and time-consuming task. That’s where payment collection software comes in.

In this article, we’ll explore payment collection software in detail, including what it is, how it works, and the benefits it can offer your business.

What is Payment Collection Software?

Payment collection software or debt collection software is a tool that automates the payment collection processes for businesses. This tool allows you to manage AR payments more efficiently and effectively while reducing the risk of errors and late payments. 

Payment collection automation usually is a feature that’s included in accounts receivable automation software. This AR software typically integrates with your existing payment system, such as your accounting software to streamline the debt collection process and track them in real time.

How Does Payment Collection Software Work?

The software works by integrating with the organization’s existing accounting software. Users can create automated workflows for sending out payment reminder messages or debt collection notices to customers or clients who have overdue payments.

This can be done through email, text messages, or phone calls, depending on the preferences of the organization and the customer.

Here’s how payment collection software typically works:

1. Integration With Your Accounting System

The payment collection process can be done by using AR automation software. It integrates with your existing accounting software. This allows the software to access customer information and track payment history.

2. Generate and Track Invoices

Payment collection software allows businesses to generate professional invoices and track them efficiently. Create invoices using customizable templates, specify payment terms, and send them to customers electronically. The software also tracks invoice statuses, delivery status, payments received, and outstanding balances, providing real-time insights into the business’s financial health.

create e-invoices with your company branding and customize the line items, discounts and tax rates. Validate and approve draft invoices before sending them to your customers

3. Automated Multi-Channel Payment Reminders 

Payment collection software also has the ability to automatically send payment reminders to customers when payments are due. This reduces the risk of late payments and the need for manual follow-ups. Using Peakflo’s accounts receivable software, you can create an automated workflow to make payment reminders to multiple channels such as email, WhatsApp, SMS, etc.

Automated accounts receivable workflows

4. In-App Calling

In-app collection calls are a feature of accounts receivable software that enables businesses to make collection calls directly from within the software interface. This allows teams to place calls to customers without switching between applications. Peakflo’s in-app collection call feature streamline the collections process, improve efficiency, and help businesses maintain better customer relationships.

5. Multiple Payment Options

Payment collection software usually offers multiple payment options to customers. For instance, Peakflo has a self-serve customer portal where customers can clear invoices through different methods, such as online, credit cards, and bank transfers. This will ensure a more convenient payment experience for your customers.

Offer flexible payment options

6. Reporting and Analytics

Payment collection software can generate reports on payment activity, including payment history, outstanding invoices, and customer payment behavior. This provides valuable insights into your payment collection process. 

In Peakflo’s AR automation software, we have several reports such as invoice status tracking and customer status tracking report to help you understand your customer payment status and behavior, as well as DSO time. Other useful reports include cashflow analytics, invoice collection cohort, aging balance report, and more. 

With the receivables dashboard, monitor metrics such as overall days sales outstanding, total overdue amount, doubtful debt and aging balance (AR Aging Report).

Even you can also customize your own reports! Eliminate spreadsheet frustrations with AI-powered reports. Talk to our expert now!

Benefits of Payment Collection Software

Payment collection in Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) software offers several benefits for businesses, including:

Improve Cash Flow 

Payment collection software can help improve cash flow by reducing the time it takes to collect payments. This means that businesses can get paid faster, which can help them better manage their cash flow. 

If you use AR automation software, you can monitor your business cash flow in the cashflow analytics report.

Cash flow analytics

Reduce the Risk of Late Payments

Since this collection software can automatically send payment reminders to customers, it can reduce the risk of late payments and the need for manual follow-ups.

Increase Productivity

Reduce man-hours by automating the payment collection process, creating payment reminders, manual data entry, and other time-consuming tasks.

Enhance Customer Experience

Payment collection software can provide customers with a more convenient payment experience by allowing them to pay online and offering multiple payment options.

Improve Financial Management

Payment collection software can provide valuable insights into your payment collection process, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and improve your financial planning.

collection management

Choosing the Right Payment Collection Software

When choosing payment collection software for your B2B business, there are several factors to consider, including:

Integration with Your Existing Payment System 

Make sure your payment collection software can be integrated with your existing payment system, such as your accounting or invoicing software. Ensure they have a dedicated support and engineering team to help you with accounting software integration and customization.

Peakflo supports integration with various accounting software. Even if your software is not on the list, we can help you by providing dedicated support. Let’s have a product tour first!

Features and Functionality

Consider the features and functionality that you need, such as automated payment reminders, customer payment behavior, multiple payment options, and reporting and cash flow projections.

Customer status tracking report in Peakflo's accounts receivable reports


Choose payment collection software that’s user-friendly and easy to use. This will help ensure that your team can quickly and easily adopt the software.

Security and Compliance

Look for payment collection software that’s secure and compliant with industry standards and regulations, such as PCI-DSS and GDPR.

Price Competitiveness

Instead of you buying payment collection software only with very specific benefits, we recommend you use accounts receivable software with end-to-end AR collection features. 

A Way Forward

Payment collection software is a valuable tool that can help businesses improve their cash flow and streamline their payment collection process. By automating payment reminders, processing payments, and generating reports on payment activity, payment collection software can save businesses time and get paid faster.

Peakflo’s Accounts Receivable solution is not just another software with a list of features. It’s a game-changer that transforms your debt collection process into a highly efficient and cost-effective system. With Peakflo’s smart payment reminder workflows, automate your company’s collections and get paid up to 20 days faster.

By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining your AR processes, Peakflo helps you save time and money, providing a high ROI for both your software investment and financial team. With Peakflo, you can now focus on what matters the most – growing your business to the next level.

automated payment collection software


How does payment collection software integrate with existing accounting systems?

Payment collection software seamlessly integrates with existing accounting systems, ensuring that payment data is synchronized and up-to-date. This integration helps B2B companies maintain accurate financial records and streamline their bookkeeping processes.

What are the key features to look for in payment collection software for B2B companies?

B2B companies should look for payment collection software that offers features such as automated invoicing, multiple payment methods, customer portals, automated reminders, and integration with accounting systems. These features help optimize the payment collection process and improve overall efficiency.

How does payment collection software help B2B companies manage recurring payments and subscriptions?

Payment collection software helps B2B companies manage recurring payments and subscriptions by automating billing cycles, handling subscription renewals, and managing upgrades or downgrades. This feature simplifies the management of recurring revenue streams and ensures consistent cash flow.

What security measures are in place to protect payment data in payment collection software?

Payment collection software employs robust security measures, such as encryption and compliance with PCI-DSS standards, to protect payment data. This ensures that sensitive financial information is secure and protected from unauthorized access or breaches.

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